Peak Ground Motion Data (Distance Order) for
         Walker Earthquake of 27 Oct 2023, 22:40:18 PDT, 4.2MW
                38.5572N 119.5103W, 4.5 km depth  Event Id: 73952605
                   CESMD Engineering Strong Motion Data Center
                   Table Last Updated: 2023-10-27 23:10:56
Network  Statn                                                         Distance   PGAv1 PGAv2   PGV   PGD   ---- Sa (g) ----- Struct
Id Name  Nmbr  Station Name                            N.Lat  W.Long  Epic Fault   (g)   (g)  (cm/s)  (cm)  .3sec  1sec  3sec Apk(g)
CE CGS   65097 Walker                                  38.515 119.480   5.6( -- )  .029  .029   1.10    .1   .091  .011  .001   - -
NC NCSN  MSVB  Sierra Vista                            38.230 120.614 102.2( -- )  .002  .002    .03    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
WR CDWR  SAQ   Aqueduct                                37.046 120.948 209.6( -- )  .001  .001    .09    .0   .003  .001  .000   - -
WR CDWR  SPR   Parks and Rec                           37.081 121.061 212.7( -- )  .001  .001    .10    .0   .004  .001  .000   - -