Peak Ground Motion Data (Distance Order) for
         Ocotillo Wells Earthquake of 13 Feb 2023, 02:09:46 PST, 3.2ML
                32.9858N 115.9257W, 11.1 km depth  Event Id: 40414104CI
                   CESMD Engineering Strong Motion Data Center
                   Table Last Updated: 2023-02-13 02:39:40
Network  Statn                                                         Distance   PGAv1 PGAv2   PGV   PGD   ---- Sa (g) ----- Struct
Id Name  Nmbr  Station Name                            N.Lat  W.Long  Epic Fault   (g)   (g)  (cm/s)  (cm)  .3sec  1sec  3sec Apk(g)
NP NSMP  286   CA:Imp Vly;Superstition Mtn Pk; Ground  32.955 115.824  10.1( -- )  .011  .011    .17    .0   .002  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  CRR   Cary Ranch, Anza, Ca, Usa               32.887 115.969  11.7( -- )  .005  .004    .12    .0   .003  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  SWS   Imperial,  Superstition Mountains       32.945 115.800  12.6( -- )  .004  .004    .08    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  ERR   Kane Springs, San Felipe Wash           33.117 115.823  17.4( -- )  .004  .004    .15    .0   .005  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  COK2  Cook Ranch 2                            32.851 115.728  23.8( -- )  .009  .009    .14    .0   .004  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  OCP   Ocotillo Community Park                 32.748 116.019  27.8( -- )  .002  .002    .03    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  IMP   Imperial                                32.901 115.561  35.4( -- )  .002  .002    .03    .0   .002  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  SNR   Schaffner Ranch                         32.862 115.436  47.8( -- )  .001  .001    .04    .0   .002  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  DRE   Meloland, E Holton Rd. and Meloland Rd. 32.805 115.447  49.1( -- )  .001  .001    .03    .0   .001  .000  .000   - -
CI SCSN  CPO   Campo Elementary School                 32.643 116.485  64.8( -- )  .001  .001    .01    .0   .000  .000  .000   - -