Peak Ground Motion Data (Distance Order) for The Geysers Earthquake of 13 Apr 2023, 00:42:10 PDT, 3.9MW 38.7865N 122.7635W, 2.0 km depth Event Id: 73872965 CESMD Engineering Strong Motion Data Center Table Last Updated: 2023-04-13 01:14:23 Network Statn Distance PGAv1 PGAv2 PGV PGD ---- Sa (g) ----- Struct Id Name Nmbr Station Name N.Lat W.Long Epic Fault (g) (g) (cm/s) (cm) .3sec 1sec 3sec Apk(g) NC NCSN GDXB Geysers 38.808 122.795 3.6( -- ) .070 .070 1.34 .1 .027 .005 .000 - - NC NCSN GGPC Geyser Peak 38.769 122.847 7.5( -- ) .015 .015 .91 .1 .040 .005 .000 - - NC NCSN GBG Boggs Mountain 38.814 122.683 7.7( -- ) .028 .028 1.08 .1 .044 .003 .000 - - NC NCSN GAXB Alexander Valley 38.711 122.757 8.4( -- ) .024 .025 .62 .0 .019 .003 .000 - - NC NCSN GPM Pine Mountain 38.845 122.946 17.2( -- ) .004 .004 .19 .0 .014 .001 .000 - - NC NCSN GSX Six Sigma Ranch 38.850 122.523 22.1( -- ) .003 .003 .16 .0 .007 .003 .000 - - NC NCSN NWS Weeks Lake 38.630 122.401 36.0( -- ) .002 .002 .09 .0 .006 .000 .000 - - NP NSMP 1835 Santa Rosa Firestation 7 38.442 122.607 40.6( -- ) .001 .001 .04 .0 .002 .000 .000 - -