Information for Strong-Motion Station
Stanford - 2-story Office Bld [Demolished]
CGS - CSMIP Station 58588
Earthquakes recorded by this station
(Station Photograph - click to enlarge)(Sensor Layout - click to see PDF File)
Latitude 37.4280 N
Longitude 122.1610 W
Elevation (m) 20
Site Geology Deep alluvium
Vs30 (m/sec) - -
Site Class C
Remarks/Notes Site information sources
No. of Stories above/below ground2/0
Plan Shape"L" Shape
Base Dimensions219'x73' (S-wing) & 146'x73' (E-wing)
Typical Floor Dimensions219'x73' (S-wing) & 146'x73' (E-wing)
Design Date1987-88
Instrumentation1990. 14 accelometers, on 3 levels in the building. 3 accelerometers at a reference free-field site.
Vertical Load Carrying SystemR/C tilt-up walls and precast columns on the perimeter, interior tubular steel columns. Concrete floor slab at 2nd floor supported by steel beams and Hambro composite joists. Glulam beams & wood stiffeners supporting plywood sheets at roof level.
Lateral Force Resisting SystemR/C tilt-up walls (with large openings) and columns on the perimeter. Concrete shear walls near the re-entrant corner at the ground level. Concrete floor diaphragm at second level and woof frame roof diaphragm.
Foundation TypeReinforced concrete spread footings under columns and tilt-up walls, and 5" thick concrete slab on grade.
RemarksThe building was designed in accordance with the 1985 UBC.