Information for Strong-Motion Station
Oakland - 13-story Residential Bldg
CGS - CSMIP Station 58639
Earthquakes recorded by this station
(Station Photograph - click to enlarge)(Sensor Layout - click to see PDF File)
Latitude 37.8157 N
Longitude 122.2623 W
Elevation (m) 6
Site Geology Alluvium
Vs30 (m/sec) 340 (inferred)
Site Class D
Remarks/Notes Site information sources
No. of Stories above/below ground13/0
Plan ShapeRectangular
Base Dimensions198' x 65'
Typical Floor Dimensions198' x 65'
Design Date1975
Instrumentation1992. 16 accelometers, on 4 levels in the building.
Vertical Load Carrying System4" and 8" thick precast concrete slab units (typically 22'-8" x 8'-6") supported by precast concrete walls. The 4" precast slabs are topped with 4" cast-in-place concrete. The slabs are tied to each other and to the walls by dowel reinforcement.
Lateral Force Resisting SystemMultiple 8" and 10" pre-cast concrete walls resist lateral loads in transverse and longitudinal directions, respectively.
Foundation Type41' to 56' deep prestressed concrete piles (12" square) at 5' o/c underneath all concrete walls.
RemarksThe building was designed accoring to the 1973 Uniform Building Code.