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Agency Number: YMT001
Owner: Kyoshin Net, Japan

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Tsuruoka, Japan, Japan 2019-06-18 13:22:19 UTC Hypocentral dist: 43.7 km
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Component: 0 PGA (cm/s/s): 88.96 PGV (cm/s): - Add this to bin
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Component: 90 PGA (cm/s/s): 96.87 PGV (cm/s): - Add this to bin
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Component: Up PGA (cm/s/s): 39.70 PGV (cm/s): - Add this to bin

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Tohoku, Japan, Japan 2011-03-11 05:46:24 UTC Hypocentral dist: 235.0 km
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Component: 0 PGA (cm/s/s): 51.26 PGV (cm/s): - Add this to bin
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Component: 90 PGA (cm/s/s): 54.92 PGV (cm/s): - Add this to bin
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Component: Up PGA (cm/s/s): 35.59 PGV (cm/s): - Add this to bin

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